Levels and Placement Test
Contact us to carry out an online placement test with various questions (grammar, vocabulary, audios, written production).
This test will allow us to assess your level and offer you a course adapted to your needs and motivations.
Bonjour, je suis ougandais. Et toi ?
Can recognise and use familiar words and simple phrases for concrete purposes. Can introduce himself or someone else. Can ask and answer basic questions about home, family, surroundings, etc. Can communicate in a basic way when the other person speaks slowly and clearly, and is ready to repeat or reformulate to help communication.
Hier, j’ai vu un super film au cinéma !
Can understand isolated phrases and common expressions that relate to areas of high personal relevance (like personal or family information, shopping, immediate environment, work). Can communicate during easy or habitual tasks requiring a basic and direct information exchange on familiar subjects. Using simple words, can describe his or her surroundings and communicate immediate needs.
Je pense qu’il est important de lire
Can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar subjects in work, school, leisure activities, etc. Can manage in most situations that come up when travelling in a region where the language is spoken. Can produce a simple and cohesive text on familiar subjects or subjects of personal interest. Can narrate an event, an experience or a dream; describe a desire or goal, and outline reasons or explanations behind a project or idea.
Il faut que nous soyons plus respectueux de l’environnement
Can understand the main ideas of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical article in the user’s area of expertise. Can communicate with a degree of spontaneity and fluency during a conversation with a native speaker, in a way that is comfortable for everyone. Can speak in a clear, detailed way on a number of subjects; express an opinion on current affairs, giving the advantages and disadvantages of the various options.
L’augmentation galopante du taux de chômage est préoccupante pour de nombreux gouvernements
Can understand a wide range of long and complex texts, including any subtextual or stylistic nuances. Can express him or herself freely and fluidly, without obviously fumbling for words. Can use the language effectively and fluently in a social, professional or academic context. Can speak in a clear, organised way about complex subjects, developing a well-structured argument.
Un an après le début de l’épidémie, les campagnes de vaccination ont été entamées un peu partout dans le monde. Mais cette perspective ravive de nombreuses interrogations : comment fonctionnent les vaccins ?
Can effortlessly understand almost everything he or she reads or hears. Capable of a coherent summary of events or arguments from oral or written sources. Can express him or herself precisely in a spontaneous, fluent way, conveying finer shades of meaning precisely.
General Requirements
Course participants must be at least 6 years of age and register in the class that is appropriate to their level and age.
Terms of Payment
All fees must be paid upon registration, via SchoolPay or through the bank. A code will be given to you during registration
Cancellation and refunds
A cancellation of 10 % of the fees is applicable within five business days before and after the course begins. Cancellation must be submitted in writing. If a course does not start as planned because of the less number of participants, we reserve the right to cancel or postpone the course.
Responsibilities of participants
Participants are obliged to comply with the course rules and house rules applicable to the alliance Française de Kampala.
Liability of the Alliance Française de Kampala
The liability of AFK and its staff is limited to intent and gross negligence. AFK also accepts no liability for the cancellation of its services due to force major (e.g. natural disasters, fire, floods, war, official orders and all other circumstances beyond the control of the contractual parties).